Nov 6, 2017


   Find out how to lose weight fast with this egg diet plan. 10 kgs in 1o days/22ibs. Yeah that is right 10kg in 10 days. 900 calories diet plan with 4 simple low cost and  effective ingredients. This easy to make meal plan will help you achieve your targets unlike other meal plans with high cost of fruits, foods, difficult to remember and follow. No medication, pills, exercise workouts or supplements required and it works on safe and health nutritious foods.
 This diet works like a charm, however every body type is different hence the results may vary. You know your body well, if you have any kin of aliments then consult your doctor first. This egg diet plan is possible only if you follow this time plan. Achieving a heavy weight is all about striking the right balance between the energy  that you put in and the energy that you use and you do this by making changes to your eating habits.This 900 calorie meal plan is a very low calorie diet which  will facilitate quick weight lose in most early activities. It is tired and tested and its by far the most effective low cost and easiest weight lose meal plan ever.
  Ingredients for this egg diet plan include;
-2 apples- 230 calories
-6eggs- 450 calories
-green tea-0 calories
-oat meal-1 cup 160 calories
-carrot and cucamber 60 calories
-total 900 calories
 This plan was followed by me and a few of my friends and the results were awesome in respective of different body types, age, sex and genes. so let  me real this magical meal plan to you.
Start your day with your breakfast which will include;
3 boiled eggs and
a cup of warm green tea
  Hot boiled eggs make a quick snack, provide good fats and are high in proteins.
Note that eggs in this meal plan should be consumed with the yolk and should be only boiled eggs, they can also be seasoned with little salt and black paper. This is an egg diet so the egg is the primary ingredient there is no substitute for it
 Green tea should be consumed plain(no sweeteners) green tea is loaded with anti-estrogen and substances that help you lose fat.
LUNCH; On lunch have 3  boiled eggs an apple and a cup of green tea. Apples are high in fribes and are natural fat blockers. you can have any type of apple you like.
EVENING; In the evening have a cup of green tea with an apple.
NIGHT; At night have a cup of green tea at least 1 hour before the bed time
DINNER; For dinner have a cup of oat meal, you can add fruits, nuts or flax seeds for better results and taste. Oats keep you satisfied and decreases cholesterol livers and big size. if you feel the need to have in between meals then you can only have carrots cucumber. Do not skip your meals and strictly for this schedule, reduce excessive intake of salt and sugar.
  Follow this diet plan as explained with a positive attitude and you will bound to get light on your feet.
Regarding the cholestrol in eggs
 eggs include HDL cholestrol also know as great cholestrol. this kind of cholestrol is harmless for your well being. it can enable the body produce more vitamin D and hormones like estrogen. testosteron and corisol. It can lower the amount of bad cholestrol and will not raise the danger of cardio vascular diseases.

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