Nov 28, 2017


Let us go through the top weight loss friendly foods if you want to lose weight fast and easy. You can take this list with you when you go to the grocery store because different foods go through different metabolic processes in the body.
Here are the most health foods to lose  weight that are supported by science  
Eggs are an excellent source of proteins, healthy fats and make you feel full with a very low amount of calories. They can help you get all the nutrients you need on a calorie restricted diet and therefore can play a major role in supporting nature weight loss. They are a great form of slow release energy to keep you going throughout the day. Most nutrients in the egg are found in the yolk.
      2.  Turkey
Turkey is a rich source of lean protein helps you stay fuller for longer. It contains amino acids tryptophan which produce serotonin which plays an important role in  strengthening the immune system. Amino acids are also the building blocks for muscle. Skinless turkey in addition is low in fats and can help lower cholesterol levels with regular consumption
      3.  Fish
Oily fish like salmon are incredibly important for your health. Your body burns more calories digesting proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates yet salmon is a lean source of quality protein that can help you feel full without adding fat. Fish and other sea foods supply a significant amount of iodine which is important to keep the body metabolism running optimally.
      4.  Reduced fat milk
This is one of the healthiest dairy products because it is a good source of protein. It is low in fats and it is an excellent source of protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B. Reduced fat milk is a great way to boost protein intake and it is very satisfying making you feel full with a relatively low amount of calories. If you want something with fewer sugars and saturated fats you might want to try a lower percentage like skim milk.
       5   cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetable like broccoli are rich in fiber, loaded with antioxidants and overall amazing vegetable. Broccoli is a great choice to include in your diet. Cruciferous vegetables also tend to contain a decent amount of proteins, fibers and low energy density that makes Cruciferous vegetables the perfect foods to include in your meals if you need to lose weight.

To keep the pounds at bay, eat an apple or two a day. Numerous studies have proved that eating an apple a half to an hour before a meal has the result of cutting the calories of the meat because the fiber in the apple makes you feel full so you eat less. top health foods for to lose weight

Nov 22, 2017


Yoga is an ideal exercise to the body and mind, Practicing yoga offers a number of health benefits including a healthy and strong body, peace of mind, increased focus and concentration, awareness and so many other benefits. Yoga its significance since ancient times and it is true that yoga has helped many of us to live calm and peaceful lives but let us take  a look at some of the proven health benefits of yoga.
  1. Improves flexibility and posture
Improved flexibility and posture are one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. You only need to include yoga in your daily routine to benefit from a body that is strong, supple and flexible. Regular yoga practice stretches and tones the body muscles and also makes them strong. It also helps improve your body posture when you stand, sit, sleep, or walk. This would in turn help relieve you of body pain due to incorrect posture.
     2.  Weight loss
Yoga for weight loss can be very effective. Since yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focus on mind, body and soul it is associated with the physical well being of the body and the overall health of a human being. It can help you boost your metabolism and build stronger muscle.two things that are essential for weight loss; if you start to eat more whole organic foods while performing a daily yoga routine you will be more likely to see the pounds come off quickly.
The 2 Week Diet
     3.  Lowers blood sugar
Yoga lowers blood sugar and LDL cholesterol and boost HDL cholesterol. Yoga has been found to lower blood sugar in several ways in people with diabetes by lowering cortisol and adrenaline levels which improves sensitivity to the effects of insulin and encouraging loss of weight.
    4.  Better breathing
Yoga includes breathing practices known as pranayama which can be effective for improving lung functions and encouraging relaxation. Yoga encourages to relax, slow your breath and focus on present. It lowers breathing and heart rates. Slowing your breath and relaxing activities the body’s parasympathetic system {relaxation response}. By changing our pattern of breathing we can significantly affect  our body’s experience of and response to stress.
    5.  Yoga naturally reduces pain
This is one the most important benefits of yoga. There are several studies proving that yoga can be very effective at reducing pain in people with arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia chronic conditions and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga has been proven to effectively reduce all these ailments.
    6.  Circulation of blood
Yoga improves on blood circulation especially the relaxation exercise by transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the  body. Yoga practice provides healthier organs, skin brain and decreases heart attacks
  7.  Energy
 Regular yoga practice provides consist energy. Yoga works on unblocking stuck of energy along the spine, in fact most yogis state that when you perform your yoga correctly you feel energized after your yoga session rather than feeling tire.

 And if you are looking for a yoga breakthrough program that melts away flab and reshapes your body in as little as one hour a week i recommend you check out  yoga fitness flow

Nov 14, 2017


  Lets do a count down on some of the best foods that are high in proteins. If your looking for the best protein rich foods then this is the ultimate list of some of the foods high in proteins. They are high protein meals, snacks and for everyone aiming for a high protein diet.
                NUTS AND SEEDS
 Nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, pecan, pistachios, walnuts and almonds all contain a host of health nutrient protein included. They taste great and make a satisfying snack for both children and adults. They are good for your overall health as they also contain fiber, vitamins B & C and many other minerals and antioxidants.

                YOGURT AND MILK
 Yogurt is formed by bacterial fermentation of milk. It can be made from any milk but cow's milk is usually used. bacteria causes the sugar in the milk to ferment that produces lactic acid. This then reacts with the protein in the milk to form yogurt. We may be consuming yogurt very often but not all of us are really aware of its benefits and advantages. Knowingly or unknowingly yogurt affects our health in many ways. Other benefits include boosts immunity helps to prevent vaginal infection. Provided the cooling and soothing properties of yogurt, it helps prevent vaginal infections. Lactic acid of yogurt is a perfect medium to maximize calcium absorption. Helps in weight lose. The amino acid in yogurt helps burn fat so if your irritated with fat around your belly or thighs then you should definitely start eating around 18 ounces of yogurt daily. Prevents gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Milk is a very effective source of protein synthesis. Milk proteins particularly caseins, have an appropriate amino acid composition for growth and development of the young. Other proteins in milk include an array of enzymes protein involved in transporting nutrients proteins included in disease resistance.
                 EGG WHITES

   Egg whites have the most protein of the whole egg. Egg white consists primarily of about 90% water into which is dissolved about 10% protein. Egg white contain just over 50% of the protein the egg. Although egg whites are prized a source of low-fat, high protein nutrition, a small number of people can not eat them and egg allergy is more common among infants than adults.
 Beans deserve more recognition because they are the next highest source of protein after animal based foods. Beans are such good sources of protein that the USDA includes them in both the vegetable and protein food groups. Proteins consist of chains of amino acids and there are nine amino acids that must be obtained through your diet. Animal based protein contain all essential amino acids. Except for soybeans,beans are not complete proteins but they have the amino acid lysine which is the one usually missing from other plant proteins. As a result of combining beans with other vegetables.

Nov 6, 2017


   Find out how to lose weight fast with this egg diet plan. 10 kgs in 1o days/22ibs. Yeah that is right 10kg in 10 days. 900 calories diet plan with 4 simple low cost and  effective ingredients. This easy to make meal plan will help you achieve your targets unlike other meal plans with high cost of fruits, foods, difficult to remember and follow. No medication, pills, exercise workouts or supplements required and it works on safe and health nutritious foods.
 This diet works like a charm, however every body type is different hence the results may vary. You know your body well, if you have any kin of aliments then consult your doctor first. This egg diet plan is possible only if you follow this time plan. Achieving a heavy weight is all about striking the right balance between the energy  that you put in and the energy that you use and you do this by making changes to your eating habits.This 900 calorie meal plan is a very low calorie diet which  will facilitate quick weight lose in most early activities. It is tired and tested and its by far the most effective low cost and easiest weight lose meal plan ever.
  Ingredients for this egg diet plan include;
-2 apples- 230 calories
-6eggs- 450 calories
-green tea-0 calories
-oat meal-1 cup 160 calories
-carrot and cucamber 60 calories
-total 900 calories
 This plan was followed by me and a few of my friends and the results were awesome in respective of different body types, age, sex and genes. so let  me real this magical meal plan to you.
Start your day with your breakfast which will include;
3 boiled eggs and
a cup of warm green tea
  Hot boiled eggs make a quick snack, provide good fats and are high in proteins.
Note that eggs in this meal plan should be consumed with the yolk and should be only boiled eggs, they can also be seasoned with little salt and black paper. This is an egg diet so the egg is the primary ingredient there is no substitute for it
 Green tea should be consumed plain(no sweeteners) green tea is loaded with anti-estrogen and substances that help you lose fat.
LUNCH; On lunch have 3  boiled eggs an apple and a cup of green tea. Apples are high in fribes and are natural fat blockers. you can have any type of apple you like.
EVENING; In the evening have a cup of green tea with an apple.
NIGHT; At night have a cup of green tea at least 1 hour before the bed time
DINNER; For dinner have a cup of oat meal, you can add fruits, nuts or flax seeds for better results and taste. Oats keep you satisfied and decreases cholesterol livers and big size. if you feel the need to have in between meals then you can only have carrots cucumber. Do not skip your meals and strictly for this schedule, reduce excessive intake of salt and sugar.
  Follow this diet plan as explained with a positive attitude and you will bound to get light on your feet.
Regarding the cholestrol in eggs
 eggs include HDL cholestrol also know as great cholestrol. this kind of cholestrol is harmless for your well being. it can enable the body produce more vitamin D and hormones like estrogen. testosteron and corisol. It can lower the amount of bad cholestrol and will not raise the danger of cardio vascular diseases.

Nov 1, 2017


   Lets go over the  best high protein and low calories foods that you can use when you trying to diet or just eat healthier in general. Obviously protein is important for building muscle but choosing lower calories options will help us stay lean while we add some quality mass.

 Let talk nutrietion, the focus of today is we talk  about which foods we can eat to have alot of protein and not alot of calories. These foods are perfect for somebody who is trying to watch over his/her calories intake, trying to increase their protein intake or trying to be healthier overall. These foods will help you build and maintain quality muscles. An egg contains 70 calories, the york contains the variety of health fats. It is extremely a low carb option and a decent amount of protein.
I hope that you remember that animal meat contains a lot of proteins but also a lot of fats. Fat is the most caloric mark nutrient so you want to limit it to a lower calories diet. In order to maximize consumption of protein while minimizing the fat consumption, you want opt for lean meat. lean meat can be anything like white chicken , turkey, lean cuts and other low fats meat. so make sure to get moving on eating some more lean meat.

 Lets get it straight am not talking about flied sea food. Lets stick to fish without anything, sea food is very important to include in our diet because of its health fats content, vitamin content and obviously protein content. Great fish options are white fish options which tend to be a little bit leaner (they contain less fats)
also you could try to eat more salmon which contains a bunch of mega fats which are incredibly important in the diet so make sure you diet to plenty of health sea food.

 It is important to note that beans are high in carbohydrates but they are also very  high in proteins especially since beans are considered a vegetable. Beans are also very high in fibers which makes them an incredibly health food overall. Try eating a variety of beans types in order to keep everything in moderation and ripe the unique content of each type of beans.

These are packed with protein and mirco nutrients, its also important to understand that these foods can be relatively high in fat but they are health fats in most sutuation. The most popular types are pea nuts, sun flower seeds and nuts.  if you looking for a greater protein snack on the go, you  can try nuts.  
The 2 Week Diet